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The Secret to Success

Writer's picture: Sarah JohnsonSarah Johnson

As a small business consultant, I have the opportunity to speak with and work alongside a lot of business owners in the area and across the nation. Although the industries I am involved with vary a great deal, as do the measures of success, there is one thing in common with each and every one of them. Persistence, consistency, and a sprinkle of delusion. I recently met with a client who had gotten serious about consistency. Through my coaching, she had been working to grow her online presence and was pursuing a career in influencer marketing. For several reasons, much out of her control, she had not been able to be consistent or follow all of my direction up to that point, and once she started making her marketing and work a regular habit, her income started to increase, brand deals started to come in, and her growth started to accelerate. She said to me in a recent meeting, "I'm not sure what has happened, but all of a sudden, all of my work seems to be paying off!" I replied with, "I know what has happened. You're finally being consistent and showing up on brand with all of your content!" We laughed, but seriously, it's that easy.

A selfie in a reflection

What does it take to run a successful business? With everything I have learned, I would tell you the answer is a mixture of those qualities. Stick-with-it-ness and just enough self-confidence to believe you won't fail. Sure, you need a good product/service. An original idea or design doesn't hurt. But very little of what a person can accomplish has much to do with the product itself, and more about how the business is managed. Is that true? I think so. The very best quality construction company may not be most successful one. The most effective product may not be the one that sells out. How the business is ran, how their brand is marketed, and how they show up in their industry's space are more crucial in a lot of cases.

Super power unlocked.

Each and every client I have worked with and the people I consult all have moments of doubt. Is this the right next move? Is the industry growing in a direction I can stick with? Should management be this hard? How can I help my people get to the next point? Am I crazy for doing this? The thing I see from each and every person who is still in business is that they never quit. They may faulter. They may get to a point where they need to have a freak-out behind closed doors. Those things don't shake them enough to make them quit. They cry, scream, laugh, and then get up and get back to work.

I have had a lot of people ask my advice over the years and it almost always comes down to the same bit of wisdom from me. It's not even wisdom, really, more of a realization of the obvious. The answer to how to be successful? Show up, work hard, be authentic, and do it again tomorrow. Consistency? Who would have thought, huh?

A hand typing on a keyboard.

How do you stay impassioned, on track, and on brand each and every day? Here is a list of my favorite ways to add to your tool-kit for business support and eventual success. Let me know which habits you are practicing or if there are some other key moves you think help your business thrive.

  1. Remember why you started.

    - Why did you get started in your industry? What made you feel passionate enough to pursue this as a career and what made you excited in those early days? Keeping that inspiration accessible can help propel us in moments of doubt or exhaustion. Make a vision board, frame a motivational quote on your desk, tell your partner to remind you when you forget. Whatever it takes to keep you going when things get tough, do that.

  2. Surround yourself with cheerleaders.

    -The people we surround ourselves with will show us our path, offer support, and influence the way you spend your time. Be sure that your circle understands your passions and your goals and be cautious to engage in negative or skeptical relationships who do not support your vision. Not everyone has to be a business owner or even understand what you do, but the time and attention it takes to make something a success is not for the faint of heart. Friends and family supporting you will only help you get through.

  3. Hire support staff if you're able.

    -You may be the best at your particular skill, but that may not make you the best at marketing, customer service, shipping, development, content creation, or other key parts to your success. Hiring others who can be more efficient or free up time for you to do what you do best may surprise you by what an impact that can have to your overall success.

  4. Eat the frog every morning.

    -Whatever the part is that is holding you back from moving forward, do that first. The hardest thing on your to-do list can be the most daunting and distract from the success of other things throughout your day. Make that social post as soon as you get to work in the morning. Clear out your inbox over your first cup of coffee. Devote your attention to the tasks that are always getting moved to another day and you will find yourself moving forward faster.

  5. Take care of your mental and physical health first.

    -As hard as running a business can be, you have to prioritize your own well-being. It is the old adage of "put the oxygen mask on yourself first". If you start to deteriorate, so will your business. When things get hard, take the time to pause and restore yourself. Seek counseling, physical activity, and methods of relaxation to balance out the over active cycles of work and stress in your daily life. Details can be worked out easier when you are coming at a situation with a clear mind. Don't forget to enjoy your life, otherwise, what are you working so hard for?

Do you have other secrets to keep you motivated in your small business world? What struggles do you face when you aren't sure if you can keep going? Tell me in the comments!


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